Hello, Thrillographers! :}
Who's ready for another great day with the southeast's best collection of roller coasters?
Spring is in full swing here at Six Flags Over Georgia! |
I know this is starting to look like a Six Flags Over Georgia blog, but I swear we will go to other parks this year. Eventually. |
For now you'll just have to suffer through more Mindbender love. How will you endure?? ;} |
What better way to start off your morning than with some Church's Chicken? |
Honestly there are way better ways. Church's Chicken: The Ride didn't get any rides from me this time! |
My SFOG day begins with Georgia Cyclone, as is customary. :} |
Good morning, Goliath. As soon as my guest arrives, I'll be getting my first rides on you this season! |
After two visits with one train operation, Goliath was finally running a second train. Hooray for 15 minute waits! |
More trains = more pictures! |
Everyone meet my dear friend, Надежда!
(That's pronounced "Nadezhda," but you can call her Nadia) :}
Say "Привет Надя!"
("Hello Nadia!") |
Надя is scared of roller coasters, but she wanted me to take her on some anyway. We started with Goliath, which terrified her, but after our ride she insisted that we ride again! |
After facing her fears on Goliath, Надя is ready to take on Gotham City! |
Train 2 is still out of commission, but now at least it's put back together in the train bay. Hopefully we'll see it online soon! |
Still worth the 45 minute wait. |
Надя is Mindbender's new #1 fan! |
After Mindbender, we got ice cream! Cold Stone is the best value in the park. It's pricey, but it actually tastes good. |
It's definitely the most palatable way to spend $6 at Six Flags. |
Let's go for a train ride! |
A lot of Mindbender's trees may be gone, but the ones around the lift and station are still present and accounted for. :} |
Надя isn't big on water rides, so no Log Jamboree for us today. |
We can enjoy it from the train, however. :} |
Such a cute little drop. |
Cyclone is back to two-train operation, but the blue train has been given the Twix train wrap. #boohiss |
Надя loved the mine train! But then, who doesn't? :} |
And, even though she's afraid of heights, Надя was so excited to ride the Sky Buckets! |
The foundation for the new DC Super Friends area is really coming together! It won't be long now before new rides start showing up. |
Joker is getting progressively more green. |
Coming in for a landing!
(Can't wait to see how this view changes in 2017) ;} |
Let's check in on Ninja! |
Ninja is now about 50% blue. Exciting stuff! |
It's looking quite patriotic amid its transition. |
I hope they keep the queue building intact. I love the way it looks. |
Half and half! |
Надя and I watched the painters as we waited for Great American Scream Machine. |
As you can see, the supports are being painted a lovely smoke color. |
Either that or it's some kind of primer for another color. I don't know how paint works. x} |
The red pillars look so good with the blue. Maybe they will stay red? Who knows! |
Here we have blue paint being applied right outside the station. |
Keep up the good work, dude! |
Like Goliath, GASM was dispatching quite swiftly today. Way to go, Six Flags! |
So much patriotism! |
Надя liked GASM but not as much as the steel coasters. Too much rumbling around for her tastes. |
Ninja should be all finished with paint by my next visit! |
Next up is one of Надя's favorite amusement park rides: Antique Cars! |
Six Flags Over Georgia's Hanson Cars is one of the best Arrow car rides around! |
It's not the longest ride, but you can't beat the setting! |
I see you, Blue Ninja! |
And we're off! |
Надя gets to drive while I take pictures. I've sometimes driven Antique Cars while trying to take pictures and the results can be disastrous. x} |
I just can't take my eyes off you, Blue Ninja! |
Carousel Hill is one of the loveliest places in the park. :} |
Надя is concentrating on her driving and I'm just over here taking selfies. |
Sputtering right along. |
Look at these beautiful flowers! :} |
Надя loves flowers. :} |
Home stretch! |
I don't think I've ever seen these in bloom before. They're awesome! |
And they make for great Hanson Cars photo opportunities. :} |
<3 |
Good news! Splashwater Falls is now blue! |
It's kinda cool what they've done in this area to make room for new rides. The gradual slope of the hill was raised up to create more flat area and is now buttressed by a new wall. |
Back to Gotham for more Mindbender! |
<3 <3 <3 |
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 |
Batman is now the only operating SFOG coaster that I haven't ridden this season! |
I'm coming for you, Batman! |
Надя was apprehensive about riding Batman, but after some careful coaxing, I was able to convince her to hop aboard! |
It'll be okay, Надя! I promise! |
First we got Blue Batman, and now we're getting Blue Ninja! I wonder if any other SFOG coasters will turn blue. :} |
This is by far the shortest line I have ever seen for Batman. Even the ride operators were shocked. |
Surprise, surprise! Надя LOVED Batman and was ready for a second ride straight away! |
I knew she would love it. :} |
Of course, after that second ride, we were both feeling pretty woozy. |
Time to call it a day. Bye Mindbender! |
Bye Goliath! |
:} |
Big thanks to Надежда for spending the day with me and being such a great Thrillography model! And thank you for reading!
See you next time. :}