Ho Ho Ho! :}
Christmastime is upon us!
(also other holidays. Thrillography loves holidays!)
We're celebrating this merry time with a nice big holiday smattering of SoCal parks! Christmas at Disneyland sets the bar high, but the region's other offerings have pretty of holiday cheer!
I cannot stress enough that Knott's Merry Farm = rides on one of the county's best woodies in the middle of December. THIS IS IMPORTANT. |
The Farm may be merry, |
but the Bullet is closed. And so is Montezooma's Revenge.
(routine maintenance and unforeseen operational setbacks, respectively) -2 |
With two of the park's strongest coaster down for the count, we'll just have to make due with family-friendly samplings. And Xcelerator. |
The prodigal missions have returned. Take a tour of these mini marvels the next time you're at Knott's. +1 |
Jaguar feels rough after riding its counterpart at the Mall of America, but it's still a charmer. |
Knott's has some seriously lit garlic parmesan fries. +1 |
I'm implementing the point-tally system for this update to help illustrate how the overall merry-ness of these parks pans out. |
They need to do something about the staffing at Supreme Scream. They have a broken turnstile behind which guests are supposed to wait until called. The problem is, this idea is not conveyed to the guest in any way, shape, or form. People blow through the unassuming turnstile only to be barked at by staff members and shooed away.
Get it together, Knott's. |
Timber Mountain Log Flume with my California Coaster King! |
I don't know. These are the kind of pictures that happen when the flume actually has a line. |
Here's a banner for ya, Sean. |
Knott's is *once again* doing major overhaul on the back-right corner of the park. Different establishments here seem to get washed away every few years or so, like the stilts of a boardwalk with no foundation. |
The good news about construction is, of course, the good views to be had. |
More good views...? |
Knott's Chance Wipeout vanished with neither notice nor trace. Perhaps it'll reappear elsewhere in the park; that would make Wipeout's 2nd re-location. |
Knott's is no stranger to shuffling around flat rides. The Scrambler has operated in no less that 4 separate locations throughout the park.
(Also, I'm sorry about the oxidation on the plexiglass)
(actually, I'm not sorry. Not my fault. C'mon, Knott's!) |
At least the shots come out when facing away from the sun. |
Wow look some of these amazing rides that are closed today. |
At least Boomerang is open. |
And the charming Coast Rider. It's nothing crazy special, but I sure enjoy it; evidence that developing a modest concept and fleshing it out entirely it is better than developing a lofty concept that falls below expectations. |
Larson Flying Scooters rides at regional chain parks baffle me.
Flying a scooter requires skill. It's one of the only skills I can think of where you get chastised by the powers that be for being too skillful. |
Knott's instructs riders to "turn your rudder SLOWLY." The ride operator didn't seem to appreciate my ability to "snap" the flyer while also taking his directions.
He also didn't appreciate me using a dull house key to unbuckle the godforsaken child-proof seat belts that all Cedar Fair flyers have.
Ok, enough anarchy. Moving on. |
Riptide is now some plants. |
During the holidays, Riptide is some plants and a Christmas display. |
Finally rode Iron Reef; further evidence that the weak execution of an ambitious project will perform well below the resolute installment of a pragmatic project. -1
(I've been letting some points slide, Knott's! Don't make me regret it!) |
Ghost Town continues to be Knott's crowning achievement. Knott's Berry Farm allows free access to Ghost Town so that guests can enjoy all of the seasonal crafts, food, and shopping without having to pay admission! +1 |
Remember the Galloping Goose from the last update? This time we went for a ride! It's a fun, unique activity that isn't much of a time commitment. +1 |
Ghost Town at twilight. :} |
Nice enough for two pictures :} |
Well that wraps up our Knott's day. It was a marginal success. The food was good (boysenberry soft serve? Yes. +1) but operations sucked (one train on Ghostrider -1).
Knott's has such a good foundation, but I know they can do much better. It's been my experience that Christmas events will either bring out the best or the worst of a park. |
Speaking of which, let's turn our attention to a more positive experience. :} |
For a few years now, Sea World has been transitioning. |
The era of live killer whale shows now has an expiration date. It's a ways off, but the number of generations that will get to experience "Shamu" is now just a handful. |
Sea World cannot change the verdicts, but they can change their game plan. |
Signature Sea World San Diego coaster Manta was a big step towards the future of the brand: less krill, more thrill. |
Get it? less krill. Krill are the little shrimp that whales eat. It's funny but also sad. |
My favorite sea creatures are here to stay! |
Someday the manta ray will probably replace the orca as SeaWorld's signature critter, seeing as both flagship parks have Manta coasters. |
No one has jumped on the multi-launch coaster bandwagon quite like Sea World Parks Entertainment. Multi-launchers from Mack, Intamin, Premier, and Zierer all populate the chain's diverse collection of coasters. |
While not as intense as Busch Gardens' Cheetah Hunt, San Diego's Manta is a delight. And it runs two trains, even on quiet days like today! +1 |
Also like Busch Gardens, pals from Sesame Street are ready to play! |
Here we have San Diego's Journey to Atlantis, or simply "Journey" as Sean calls it, "because clearly there's no Atlantis here." |
Aside from being a beautiful piece of Mack engineering, San Diego's Journey is weak experience after finally riding the far superior Orlando counterpart. |
While Orlando's Journey wears the dark ride, flume ride, and roller coaster hats exceptionally well, The San Diego wears the hats with wavering levels of success. |
As a basic flume, it's above par. As a coaster it's surprisingly rough. As a dark ride it's...well...it's not. |
The elevator sequence is the ride's sole dark ride element. These days it's in major disrepair, but I don't imagine that it was particularly impressive even when it was new. |
Yes, the strengths of San Diego's Journey rest squarely on being a decently-paced water coaster sprinkled with warm-coloured structures and unobscured water pumps. Not a much to look at, but it gets the job done and runs like a champ. Also, points for 7-boat operation with no line. +1 |
There's nothing quite like the Friday afternoon crowds of Sea World. |
By far the best looking aspect of Journey to Atlantis is this aquarium. |
No matter what happens, Sea World will always have beautiful aquariums to hang their hats on. |
The belugas seem to be in good spirits. |
Spry little things, aren't they?
(ok. They're not small, I guess. Small compared to a neutron star or something) |
The penguins are in the holiday spirit. |
They seem a little stiff today, but they sure look bright! |
Oh! These ones look a little more active. |
Active and smelly. I wonder if the penguin lady even bothers to shower before work, seeing as she'll just smell like ripe penguin guano and salted herring all day. |
Puffins are called puffins because they are puffy. |
Sphinx cats are called Sphinx cats because they are cats that look like Sphinxes. |
Sea World's Cat's Christmas Parlor is called Cat's Christmas Parlor because it is a Christmas-themed parlor with cats inside. Any questions? |
This is literally my new favorite thing at Sea World, even if it is grammatically incorrect ("Cat's Christmas Parlor" would indicate that there is only one cat, which is in possession of the parlor. Because there are multiple cats, it should be "Cats' Christmas Parlor")
-1 for spelling, +2 for cats. |
Sea World's holiday dolphin show is cute. The live ukulele and carol-singing was a nice touch. |
I find most Christmas music annoying in general. But the ukulele-playing and singing show host made the songs very pleasant. Dolphins help the overall experience as well. |
"My watery minions! Go forth and conquer like the zealous and bloodthirsty leviathans you are!" |
Here is a turtle. |
Here's a selfie! |
Random "Jet Rescue" flat ride is a lot of fun. It's like a tiny Troika! The only other one of these I've ridden was at Hard Rock Park and I have no idea what happened to it. |
Excellent food! Tomato soup for the holidays! :} +1 |
"You haven't ridden the Bayside Skyride yet!" says Manta. |
Let's fly! |
So romantic. And stuff. |
Gotta love Sea World Parks' commitment to Von Roll sky rides. Still need to ride the one at Busch Gardens Williamsburg! |
I think Manta needs another coaster friend. |
"I need a 200ft B&M friend. Let's be honest." |
"Something with lots of airtime! And speed!" |
My last visit to Sea World was in 2014. A lot has changed since then, but the park actually feels nicer than I recall. |
Such grace. Such poise. |
Such vegetation! |
Rapids ride was actually open for those interested in getting unreasonably wet. +1 |
Sea World has "demonstrations" in addition to shows now, apparently. |
Demonstrations are like short shows that are stripped of any plot or fluff. It's simply a time to acquaint one's self with the whales. |
I actually really liked the no-frills demonstration. Killer whales do not need a cheesy plot to be entertaining. They're effing killer whales. |
Gone are the days of trainers riding around on the fins and noses of these mighty beasts. Probably for the best. |
Sea World has publicly stated that they will be ending killer whale shows and the breeding of killer whales. Perhaps these "demonstrations" are a loophole. |
Also I'm curious about how they are going to "end" breeding. What if Shamu just decides to start a family? |
They're awfully cute, these whales. I don't really want them to disappear from Sea World. |
One of the youngest whales was celebrating he 2nd birthday that day. Happy birthday you blessed sea-panda! |
Ok back to Manta. |
It's a very swishy-fishy. |
Sky tower time! |
The sun screens on the windows have been replaced with a UV protection layer. Hooray for clean, unobstructed glass! +1 |
The string lights live on the tower all year now. Apparently they're red, white, and blue for 4th of July. |
When I look at this I see a BIG GIANT HYPER COASTER all over the place. |
The new Ocean Explorer area is well underway! |
<3 sky ride <3 |
<3 Manta <3 |
<3 Sean <3 |
Yes we are riding the Sesame Street starfish ride. #noshame |
Sean's like "let's spin it crazy fast" and I'm like "no" and then he does it anyways and he's like "wow I'm dizzy" and I'm like " -__- " |
We asked a staff member if we could play in the net structure thing and he said yes. +1 |
This ended up being a highlight of the day. |
"Hello world! We are actually children." |
This all feels a little different as an adult. Everything feels smaller and also I have a $300 camera around my neck. |
The giant bouncy floor looked fun, but unlike the ones in Europe, adults are not permitted. |
Holiday-ness round 1: Santa's Christmas Village. |
The charming Christmas attraction hosts a reindeer exhibit, holiday food & drink, a Santa meet & greet, a Christmas shop, and a small stage for various little holiday shows. +1 |
Everyone's waiting to get their picture made with Santa! |
The reindeer seemed happy and well-cared for. |
You can expect the controversial propaganda documentary "Blackreindeer" to premier at the Sundance Film Festival next year. |
Journey To Atlantis looks best at sunset. But then, don't most things? |
It certainly looks more impressive this way. |
Sean informed me that this is the only Mack water coaster with an elevator lift. That's pretty special, even though the thematic aspect of the elevator is a mess. |
It's a bit chilly, but still worth the ride. |
Let's see how these waterlogged souls fared. |
Not too shabby, it seems. Back-loading usually helps! |
Holiday-ness round 2: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! |
Look! It's King Moonrazor and the Island of Misfit Toys! |
Rudolph is new this year. Not as substantial as the other Christmas area, but still good. |
You can have your picture taken with Rudolph (via green screen). Also there's more Christmas stuff for sale. Sea World has become quite shop-centric in recent years. Probably trying to catch up to the other theme park juggernauts. |
Sea World goes all-out for lights! Just wait til it gets dark! |
But first! Back to the cats! |
Best attraction ever tbh. |
Amazing. |
Venus and Moon contribute to the decorations. :} |
Yep. We went back to Sesame Street Bay of Play. We just couldn't resist. |
Oscar the Grouch has his own Rock 'n Tug ride, so of course we had to participate. |
#lit |
Sea World is magical at night during the holidays. |
Love these lanterns! Never seen anything like them! +1 |
Time for the big Christmas show!
*cue oversung Christmas standards* |
It's cold af but there are staff members selling blankets in the audience! Clever! |
It's a cheesy show. It's nice. |
Precious babes. |
They seem to be having fun. But what do I know? |
*signature move* |
"Hello friends!" |
It's kind of amazing, watching these things. They seem so tame in this context. |
I liked the ukulele better. This chick is good, but a little too off-broadway for me. |
The whales are dancing. |
Bye, Shamu! Don't be a stranger. |
Time to roll! |
Our Sea World adventure has come to an end, but our night in San Diego isn't over yet! |
You know it! It's time for Giant Dipper! |
San Diego's Giant Dipper isn't as popular as its Santa Cruz sibling, but it's just as special! |
Like the Santa Cruz Giant Dipper, the Belmont Park Dipper has a restored Prior & Church lead car on display. |
This Dipper has a reputation for running rough, but tonight it's running like a dream! +1 |
The Santa Cruz Giant Dipper has always tracked exceptionally well, but these days both Dippers are smooth as silk! |
Like Sea World, Belmont Park was very, very quiet. |
I feel like there should be more people here riding this coaster! It's such a pleasant surprise compared to my rides on it in the late 90s. |
We went down the street a bit for dinner. All of Mission Beach was a ghost town. |
Venus and Moon at it again! |
There was barely enough people around to dispatch the Dipper, but I did manage to catch in action a few times. |
It was running both smooth and fast; I'd love to come back and ride it in the summer! I bet I really flies with a full train and some hot grease! |
Love this. The big indoor pool at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk was called "The Plunge." It was replaced by King Neptune's Miniature Golf. I'm sure Mission Beach had a "Plunge" just like it. +1 |
Kinda hard to see, but there's a train up there! |
Belmont Park really is quite nice. It's like a tiny Boardwalk. Very polished. +1 |
Dipper was averaging about 10 people per dispatch. |
Back out front for one last round of action shots! |
We did one ride in the very back and one ride in the front. Excellent ride. |
The brakes work very well. Too well, in fact! |
It took 1-3 employees to push the train back into the station after completing the circuit! Now that's dedication! +1 |
Next day! Impromptu visit to Six Flags Magic Mountain! |
Sean and I are ready for a great day! Too bad that's not what we got. |
Oh look! Scream is running. With one train.
Surely this is not a forecast for how operations are going to be throughout the park. |
Twisted Colossus is racing! +1 |
Definitely not a forecast for how their operations would be throughout the day. -1 |
Rapids Camp Crossing is quite festive during the holidays. +1 |
Although I can't imagine having to clean up all this fake snow in January. |
I was itching for a front-seat ride on Tatsu, so we went for it. Forty-five minute wait, but not terrible for a Saturday. Best ride I've had on it. +1 |
The single-rider-front-sean-non-VR thing that was happening earlier this year is no longer happening. Everyone has to wait in Revolutions dismal queue, even to ride VR-less in the front seat, despite it being sent out empty on most dispatches. -1 |
The trim through the loop is unnecessarily harsh. I really don't see a need for it, considering they have to use tire drives on the last hill to make sure it actually makes it back to the station. |
Hour wait for YOLOcoaster. Pass. |
DC Universe really came alive for Fright Fest. During Christmas it's a bit more sedate. |
Superman: Escape from Krypton is open, but Lex Luthor is down for annual rehab. -1 |
Hey! The Metro has no line! |
I like to come here and pretend that it's the early 90s and that Magic Mountain is still Magical. |
A little surprised they haven't slammed a Larson Loop in here. |
Jet Stream is open! <3 |
Ninja is running 1 train. -1 |
This is as close as I got to riding my favorite Magic Mountain coaster. :{ |
If I'd known they were going to run one train, I would've ridden right after Tatsu. Oh well. |
My other goal for the day was actually to do a front seat Riddler ride, but it was still closed 3hrs after rope drop. |
After testing for quite some time, Riddler opened with one train. -1 |
Green Lantern continues to exist. -1 |
Like our amazing front seat ride on Tatsu, the front seat ride we got on Riddler was a shiny spot on a warped, dull day. |
I'm glad we waited out the ride's opening. With one train operation, the wait for the front quickly exceeded an hour in the station alone. |
Like Scream, Riddler has three trains. There is literally no excuse for them to run these coasters with one train on a Saturday. |
I hope Six Flags doesn't get any bright ideas about putting floorless trains on Riddler an sending Scream elsewhere. It seems like a terrible, complicated, and outrageous idea, but I'm sure it's not beyond Six Flags's realm of consideration. |
The lights in the park probably look amazing at night, but we would end up leaving before sundown because being here started to piss me off. |
We agreed that if there was anything else here worth waiting in a long line for, it's Twisted Colossus. Right? |
Even with 3-train operation, the wait was over an hour. The queue wasn't that long. Thing were just really slow for whatever reason. We didn't race on either half of our ride. -1 |
After skipping a majority of the rest of the coasters in the park due to long lines, we thought we might try to bare through the wait for Revolution's holiday VR.
Fifteen minute dispatches made us reconsider. So we left. -1 |
Thanks to Magic Mountain our holiday update ends on a low note, but overall the trip was a success!
Since Sean has a such close relationship with Magic Mountain, I had him contact the park over the abysmal operations on this particular visit. Certainly helps ease the frustrations. :}
Sean tells me that Holiday in the Park operations are usually much better, but based on my Six Flags Over Georgia HITP experience last year, I struggle to imagine it.
There may be another park visit or two left in 2016, but that depends on how the next few days pan out! I can now say with certainty that 2017 will IMMEDIATELY BE AMAZING but you'll just have to wait around for a bit to find out what that means. ;}
See you next year, Thrillographers!