It's Rip Roarin' Rampage season!
…déjà vu, you say??
Yes! It was only last October that we saw the return of Rip Roarin' Rampage, and now it's time to rip and roar on Rampage again! Let the first of new annual summer Rampage festivities commence!
It's a beautiful day to be at Alabama Splash Adventure! |
2015 saw the return of Rampage and the addition of kiddie rides to the park's lineup of attractions, thus returning the park from waterpark status back to amusement park status! |
For a while there it looked like Alabama Splash Adventure was going to be strictly a waterpark for good! Thank goodness the Koch family came to the rescue! |
Nevertheless, Alabama Splash Adventure's waterpark is a nice little establishment in its own right. |
This season the park's yellow speed slide was retired from the lineup and will be replaced with a redesigned version along with the purple (?) toilet bowl slide for the 2016 season! |
Upsurge, a WhiteWaterWest Boomerango slide, is the waterpark's most popular attraction. :} |
Also popular are the park's various water play areas and their set of four black inner tube slides. :} |
The lazy river is also quite nice. This is where most of my waterpark time was spent. :} |
The Wipeout Adventure Course is proving to be quite the the popular centerpiece for the park. :} |
But the greatest asset of all at ASA is Rampage, of course! |
ACE loves you too, ASA! |
Look who it is! It's Steve, Tom, and Michael! Time to get everyone's credit on Centi-Speed! |
Ok! Credit Whoring: Complete
Time for more rides on Rampage! |
Still don't know what they were thinking when they did this brake-run-drop-into-the-station-thing. Kinda looks nice, though. :} |
Rampage is magnificent. It's obvious that the Kochs love this ride. Every inch of track performs at the highest possible standard. |
Even since our rides in October, fresh wood has found its way on Rampage! |
Now for a very special treat! With permission from the park, Steve is taking us on a little tour of Alabama Splash Adventure's yet-to-be-redeveloped areas! :D |
The views of Rampage from the shuttered area can't be beat! |
Here's the food stands and pavilions that compose the park's center. If you were to walk down the main midway and continue past the Wipeout Adventure Course, you would end up here. |
To the left is where the park's large Ferris Wheel once stood. Further left is a large stage. |
The real hidden gem of ASA's closed quarters is the park's log flume, which is still apparently in great shape. |
Rumor has it that the park is going to try to get the flume operational for 2016! Fingers crossed! |
Even the station mechanisms are largely intact. The biggest hurdle will be acquiring new logs, but apparently the park can rent them for cheap! |
Now there's nothing left to do but ride Rampage well into the night! |
Goodnight Alabama Splash Adventure!
Thanks for being the most amazing event hosts that anyone could possibly dream of! We'll all be back very soon!
Listen, I know this was a really short update (possibly the shortest in the history of the blog), but hey! Think of this as the calm before the shore!
Errr, storm. The calm before the storm. :}
See you soon!