I've got a
on Six Flags Over Georgia Trip Reports.
Sound good?
Let's roll. :}
* * *
Coming off the heels of my Germany trip, I was very, very...
My sister, Erin, was about to have her first baby. As soon as I was back in the U.S., I headed off to Atlanta to await the arrival of my first niece.
My mom, my sister, and I were all chatting when my mom brought up an e-mail she'd received from our ACE Regional Rep (the awesome Josh Herrington) about a need for ACEr extras for an HLN weather shoot on Six Flags Over Georgia's Goliath coaster. It was a short-notice thing, but since we were all in Atlanta already, my mom and my sister both suggested that I participate.
"Surely the baby won't come while you're doing the shoot."
Fast forward to 3:30AM, August 16th (National Roller Coaster Day!) Erin has been in labor for eight hours and the HLN shoot starts in an hour and a half. I was reluctant to go to the shoot at the risk of missing baby Emma's arrival, but with further encouragement from all of the family, I headed off to Six Flags Over Georgia.
We were instructed to enter the park at the security entrance. I rolled up to the gate in my little Toyota Yaris, only to find no signs of life around the immediate area.
Suddenly, I head a voice over an intercom.
"You here for the HLN shoot?"
"Come on in!"
With that, a security vehicle appeared from out of nowhere on the other side of the gate. The gate opened automatically and the man in the security vehicle shouted "Follow me!"
With a few other participants behind me, I followed the security vehicle into the restricted access area. |
The shoot was on a Friday and Six Flags had already shifted to weekend-only operations. Since the park wouldn't actually be opening that day, there were no employees to manage the parking lots, thus the need for the HLN shoot extras to park elsewhere. Now, I was expecting to park by the employee cafe and stuffed animal dispensary, but the security vehicle drove right on past those buildings, over the Six Flags Railroad train tracks, and through the open service doors that lead into the park.
I slowly, carefully followed the security vehicle into Six Flags Over Georgia. Immediately to my right was the Dahlonega Mine Train. We took a right at the Crystal Pistol, followed the midway to the Monster Mansion, and then took a left.
I was almost pissing myself with excitement at this point. I was driving my car through Six Flags Over Georgia.
Holy. Sh*t.
I continued to follow the security vehicle through the threshold of the USA section of the park. He parked next to Dee Jay's Diner and I parked next to him.
I got out of my car and marveled at the circumstance.
I conducted a little photo shoot with my car in the drizzle. |
I wouldn't have believed any of this if I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes. I felt like I was taking pictures of Bigfoot and The Loch Ness Monster having a tea party. |
Other participants of the shoot. |
Six Flags fed us a nice breakfast inside Dee Jays, and then we headed up to Goliath to start shooting!
The meteorologist is on the left, and the HLN crew are on the right. Yes, it was very cold. Guess who wore a t-shirt and shorts? This guy! |
At 7:30AM, I got a text saying that Emma had been born five minutes prior! I was on Goliath when my niece was born. On National Roller Coaster Day. Yes.
After 4 hours of shooting and 20 rides on Goliath, we wrapped up the shoot. |
When I got back to the midway, I remembered that my car was parked there and I got all excited again. :} |
It was still a bit drizzly when the shoot ended. |
It was still a bit drizzly when the shoot ended. |
One last look at the DareDevil Dive parking lot before we head out. |
Before I left, the PR representatives thanked me for participating and asked if I knew how to get back out of the park. I confirmed that I did, so they had me lead everyone back to the service area. :}
Okay, guys! Who's ready for an XTREME SIX FLAGS OVER GEORGIA DRIVE-THRU POV?!!? |
Back out the USA marquee! |
"...and on your left, we have the France's Six Flags Railroad train depot. |
What's that up ahead?? |
It's the Monster Mansion!! :} |
I was the not only one shocked to be driving around inside the park. The Goliath operators were a little surprised, too! |
Awww! If only the park was open. I wanna ride the Dahlonega Mine Train! |
And the Georgia Cyclone! |
Back through the gates to the service area! |
Bye, Six Flags! This was an amazing experience! |
I high-tailed it back to the hospital to meet baby Emma! Here she is with Grandma! |
Whew! What a busy day! And it's not even noon! I'm going to bed.
* * *
It is now October. :}
My good friend Robin had a wedding to go to in Atlanta the first weekend of October. She asked me if I would accompany her to Six Flags, and naturally I was thrilled to. The weather forecast called for an evening storm, but the early afternoon was nothing but sun! Better still, crowds were quite light because of Sunday church services.
Oh, hello. I've ridden you about a million times this year and here I am again! |
So nice to see the other rides open! And some sun is a nice change from last time, too! |
First stop! Robin needs her DareDevil Dive credit! |
This was actually my first and only ride on DareDevil Dive this season. |
I must say that DareDevil Dive has really grown on me. While I've never been particularly impressed with it, my appreciation for Euro-Fighters has only grown over the summer, and coming home to such a lovely example of one has really made me appreciate it. Robin and I agreed that it's the smoothest, most re-ridable Euro-Fighter around!
Gotta give Batman some love! |
And Mindbender, of course! Just when I thought my opinion of Mindbender couldn't get any higher, a summer in Germany and a few rides on Olympia Looping, Alpina Bahn, and Nessie really confirmed for me that Mindbender is a member of the most elite family of steel coasters. |
Time for some Sky Bucket love! |
I'm usually not very happy with what I come away with when trying to photograph sky rides, but on my 8th visit to Six Flags Over Georgia I finally got some decent shots of the Sky Buckets. |
Robin and I agreed that it was the perfect weather for a ride on the Log Jamboree. |
I'm madly in love with our little log flume. Forty-five years old this year! |
Philosophical moment: Do I take pictures of Goliath because it's pretty or do I take pictures of Goliath because it's easy? |
Doesn't matter. Great ride. :} |
Georgia Cyclone is lookin' fresh and feelin' fine! |
It's new Twix-themed train wraps are surprisingly tasteful and actually complement the ride's new natural wood. |
While not as remarkable as my sopping-wet ride with Michael Morris, Robin's and my ride on Georgia Cyclone was satisfactory. :} |
Georgia Cyclone and Riverside Cyclone are both re-born this year thanks to some Rocky Mountain TLC! Kudos to Six Flags. |
Speaking of Six Flags praise, allow me to bring to your attention the fact that Six Flags Over Georgia's Piccadilly Sweets still makes their own candy! |
And the candy chefs that Robin and I spoke to take much pride in their craft! :} |
Hey you. I rode your twin in Germany. I still like you better because you're prettier and your seats don't hurt my boy parts. |
If the Six Flags park nearest you isn't this pretty, get in touch with your general manager and tell them to take a few cues from their brother of the south. :} |
Hello, dear sweet Mine Train! Robin had no recollection of riding the Dahlonega Mine Train during her last visit, but she was delighted by it all the same. |
Sky Bucket time! |
Dear Carowinds: These are called trees. They make your park feel hospitable n' stuff. |
See that midway? Yeah, that's the one I drove my car through! |
Oh, precious Sky Buckets! Please never be retired, or else I will possess much sadness. |
No trip to Six Flags Over Georgia is complete without a trip through the Monster Mansion! |
The MonStore is another excellent gesture by Six Flags Over Georgia. Very Disney-like. |
After being blessed with 6 hours of perfect weather, Robin and I were soon threatened with some bad weather! Here you can see that Sky Screamer has been grounded. |
Ninja as well. |
That leaves the Great American Scream Machine! However, after a few minutes in line, it too was closed in anticipation of bad weather. |
As the rain began to fall, Robin and I agree that the day was already a roaring success. A ride on GASM would have been nice, but no tears were shed over Ninja and Superman. |
KILL ISLAND! One of many exciting Six Flags Over Georgia haunts. :}
I can't wait to come back next season and see a brand-new Hurricane Harbor attached to the back of our little water play area! |
As the rain fell harder and harder, I was tickled by the fact that I had once again been rained out of Six Flags Over Georgia's back bowl. |
2013 SFOG Ride Counts:
Ninja - 0
Great American Scream Machine- 0
Superman: Ultimate Flight - 0
Goliath - 23
Robin and I soon retreated to the gift shops and then to a local IHOP for a dinner. Thank you, Robin, for such a fun-filled day!!
I think that's a wrap, y'all! Unless some really bizarre circumstances take place, I think that finishes up my 2013 season! It was a year of five countries, 130 new roller coasters, and 3 sopping-wet trips to Six Flags Over Georgia! BEST SUMMER EVER!!!
In the off-season, I will try to come up with ways to keep Thrillography abuzz. :}
Any thoughts or comments? make sure to visit Thrillography's Facebook page to weigh in!
Thank you. I love you all.